Transferring Singapore Law Firms to a Cloud Computing Infrastructure

singapore law firms

The “new normal” for Singapore law firms

We understand that Singapore law firms are in the midst of making major decisions about their operations. COVID-19 social distancing and business continuity mandates have created a “new normal” in legal operations and infrastructure.  In response, many firms are transferring their technology infrastructure to a cloud computing environment. If your firm is part of this trend, we want to assist in making the transition as quick, straightforward and affordable as possible.

Tech-celerate for Law Initiative

Transferring Singapore Law Firms to a Cloud Computing InfrastructureThe quickest route to the cloud is with pre-approved grants of up to 80% for Office 365 and the Clio Practice Management System. Our specialists can expedite your Clio implementation and have you up and running within a week!

Of note, the Singapore Tech-celerate for Law program is ending on 30 April 2020 and the grant funding amount has been increased to 80% from 70%.  Please contact for details.


Transferring Singapore Law Firms to a Cloud Computing Infrastructure

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