Bizibody Technology – Celebrating 20 Years of Legal Technology Consulting in 2020

bizibody technology

Morphing from a Y2K dotcom into an industry-leading legal technology consulting company in 2020

As we head into 2020, all of us at Bizibody Technology thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your kind support and friendship over the past 20 years. We would not be here without you.

From our Y2K dotcom misadventure – founded by four lawyers who liked tech, we morphed our dotcom from a platform for the exchange of business information, into a specialist legal technology consulting company – still not quite a bankable idea at the time, because Legal Technology wasn’t even a thing! but at least we had a combined 40 years of legal experience to (self) qualify as Legal Techies.

We emerge from the last 20 years, battle-worn, but now wearing accolades for our amazing prescience in predicting the impact of technology on the practice of law, and making our early crossover to tech. It was more adamant perseverance than prescience, but whatever… LOL. Even in our dreams, we didn’t think #legaltech would ever get this sexy.

Where do we go from here?

20 years on, our off-the-shelf Practice and Document Management Systems (PMS) – such as Clio, LEAP, BHL, and PageLightPrime – have evolved from costly, nice-to-haves to very affordable baseline must-haves. These days, nobody starts a law firm, not even a solo start-up, without a PMS.

But this is just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. Verily we say: there is a lot more that can be automated. And, more importantly, many law firms are now keen to venture beyond off-the-shelf PMS.
Responding to their client’s demands for “better-faster-cheaper”, a 2019 Law Society Technology survey shows that:

  • 49% of Singapore law firms find that off-the-shelf solutions fall short of their needs, and there is a preference for multi-purpose, scalable legal tech over off-the-shelf solutions; and
  • 3-in-4 decision-makers in law firms believe that they need to increase the level of technology adoption.

Armed with these insights, in 2019, Bizibody Technology set ourselves a new challenge to bring more advanced, more bespoke, more integrated, deeper, game-changing automation into law firms.

Law Firm Automation

We at Bizibody Technology believe we have cracked the challenge of creating bespoke and flexible automation systems that eliminate repeatable, mundane, process-driven daily work, in a way that is affordable to a wide spectrum of firms and is scalable. Before interjecting that your work is not repeatable – think:

  • Searches
  • Information extraction and retrieval
  • Document production
  • Document review
  • Document saving
  • Billing and chasers
  • Print, sign, scan, name, email
  • Scheduling meetings
  • Providing answers to frequently asked queries

Whether it is end-to-end automation for areas like conveyancing, debt recovery, personal injury workflows, corp sec, probate, divorce, or smaller chunks of workflow – like AML compliance, client on-boarding, due diligence searches, work assignment and work escalation, website queries – we reckon there is much more you can automate, saving yourself for the kind of work you went to law school for. Sound us out if this piques your interest.

We hope 2020 will be a specially memorable and blessed one for you — happy clients, calm offices, fulfilling four-day workweeks, and lots of time for family and hobbies.

May technology infuse all your respective journeys in the nicest ways possible.

Warmest Wishes,

Serena Lim
Managing Director, Bizibody Technology

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