Work From Home Services For Singapore Law Firms

Work from Home

WFH Consortium To Provide Work From Home Services To Singapore Law Firms

In light of the requirement for non-essential Singapore businesses (including law firms) to suspend activities at business premises effective from 7 March 2020, we are happy to announce that we have set up a consortium to assist Singapore law firms in becoming Work From Home (WFH) ready. The WFH Consortium comprises Bizibody ( and our partners, Litigation Edge ( and Availabilit (

In recent days, many law firms have shared with us the challenges they face in working from home. Services provided by our WFH Consortium will help you address these challenges. Here’s how:

Work From Home Infrastructure

Consultants from Availabilit (AVBT) are available to address your WFH infrastructure and compliance concerns, including:

  • How Do I Access our systems and documents from home?
  • What do the Law Soc Cyber Security rules say about remote access?
  • Related services as detailed in the attached “WFH Service Writeup.”

Bulk Scanning and File Digitization

The Litigation Edge (LE) Digitization Bureau can assist firms with expedited bulk scanning. As the industry’s leading digital scanning provider, LE is well placed to answer the question “How Can I Quickly Digitise All My Active Files so I Can WFH?”:

  • The trick to efficient and accurate bulk scanning is not the size of the Xerox machine, but the accompanying workflow. These steps make it possible for the scanning operator to process many documents at once – rather than scanning one document at a time – all without messing up the order of the documents.
  • Other essential best practices for digital scanning include document separator sheets, OCR to enable document searchability, bookmarking, and automated document splitting.
  • The outsourced services from the Litigation Edge bulk digitization consultancy are detailed in the attached “WFH Service Writeup.”
  • If Court hearings are not suspended, LE’s bundling and hearing support services will go a long way in ensuring business as usual for dispute lawyers.

Remote Collaboration Tools

Cloud software from Bizibody (BB) solves the challenges of remote teamwork and makes working from home a safer, enjoyable and liberating experience. In a WFH world where everyone is dispersed, the key priorities for remote collaboration are documents, communication tools, and shared calendars.

  • WFH collaboration tools do not have to be an expensive affair. Even budget-conscious practices will find our Office 365 and our Legal Case/Document Management subscriptions to be a great value. The key to realizing that value is quality user training.
  • Given the likely work slowdown in the coming weeks, the additional time you may find on your hands could be well spent in upgrading legacy software, automating workflows. receiving software training and an opportunity to become future-ready.
  • See “WFH Service Writeup” for our work from home software listing.

You Are Not Alone

Working from home for extended periods is new for many. We are all in this together and, as your trusted advisors, we remain wholly committed to providing support to Singapore law firms as you respond to this unprecedented crisis.

We invite you to look at the service offerings of the WFH Consortium in the attached “WFH Service Writeup.” The WFH Consortium is here for you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

We are also in the process of setting up an online “WFH Support Request Portal” to facilitate the logging of your support requests.  We will inform you when that is ready.

Warmest Regards,

Serena Lim, on behalf of the WFH Consortium
Tel 90127346

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