Tackling Singapore’s Code Orange with Cloud Technology
The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) has moved up its response to the coronavirus outbreak to Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange as they aggressively try to stop or limit further spread of the novel coronavirus. Organizations have been asked to step up their business continuity plans, including getting employees to work from split sites, from home, and on split shifts, with critical services organisations implementing the strictest measures.
MOH Updates on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Local Situation
Business Continuity for Legal Teams
Realizing the potential impact to the Singapore legal community, Bizibody Technology and our sister company Litigation Edge are working together to provide business continuity support to lawyers and law firms impacted by these changes in workflow. Our key cloud-based legal technology services include:
- CaseRoom Self-Service eDiscovery, Evidence & Document Review
- Clio Practice Management System
- HotDocs Document Automation
- LawCloud Case Management System
- Macroview Document Management
In addition to these legal technology platforms, Litigation Edge is also providing assistance with:
- Trial Bundles and eBundles
- Document Scanning and Printing
- Evidence Management
- Bibliographic Coding
- Staff Augmentation
Please contact Litigation Edge or Bizibody to discuss how we may be of assistance to you or your team as we all work together towards containing the coronavirus outbreak.
Litigation Edge Pte Ltd
1003 Bukit Merah Central
#05-01 Inno Centre
Singapore 159836
Email: info@litiedge.com
Tel: +65 6236 2846
Bizibody Technology Pte Ltd
114 Lavender Street #09-88 CT Hub 2, Lobby 2,
Singapore 338729
Email: info@bizibody.biz
Telephone: +65 6950 4121
Code Orange: Leveraging Cloud Technology To Keep Productive. And Safe!
Tackling Singapore’s Code Orange with Cloud Technology