Thinking Ahead for the Legal Future — Tech-celerate for Law

Tech-celerate for Law

Tech-celerate for Law program is a grant scheme to help Singapore law practices adopt technology

Thinking Ahead for the Legal Future -- Tech-celerate for LawThe Tech-celerate for Law conference was held on 15 May 2019 to commemorate the launch of the Law Society’s latest legal technology initiatives, the Tech-celerate for Law program, and the SmartLaw Guild.  This article provides a summary of the conference proceedings.

Held at the Intercontinental Ballroom on 15 May 2019, the conference was a full-day event marking the launch of the Tech-celerate for Law program on 2 May 2019. Like the highly successful Tech Start for Law programme which ended on 28 February 2018, the Tech-celerate for Law program is a grant scheme to help Singapore law practices adopt and integrate technology into their practices, to augment the efficiency and quality of the legal services delivered and better handle future disruptions. The Tech-celerate for Law program is administered by the Law Society of Singapore in partnership with the Ministry of Law, Enterprise Singapore, and the Info-Communications and Media Development Authority.

The conference began with an opening speech by the President of the Law Society, Mr. Gregory Vijayendran, SC (full text available here). In his call to arms to fellow lawyers to embrace technology, Mr. Vijayendran cited testimonials from practitioners who had reaped benefits from adopting legal-tech solutions but cautioned that many practitioners were still ambivalent about or underestimating the game-changing implications of technology for legal practice. Programs such as Tech-celerate for Law could assist law practices to surmount problems such as identifying the right legal tech to employ and the costs of adopting and maintaining legal tech. However, lawyers needed to recognize the urgent need to change with the times, and find ways to integrate uniquely human “soft-skills” with artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies to bring added value to their services. [read more]

Source: Gan Jhia Huei – The Singapore Law Gazette

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