Tag Archives: legal technology

LegalTech Waters Run Rough and Deep


by Serena Lim, Bizibody Technology / Litigation Edge Our Ship Has Many a Storm to Weather Today’s lawyer is expected to have many more skills than legal knowledge alone. So put your textbooks away, as there are many other competencies such as problem-solving skills, technology skills, communication skills, people skills, project management, and time management […]

Law Firms and Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Law firms must take advantage of cloud solutions to offer improved services to end clients and allow lawyers to work from anywhere,  anytime What Is Legal Digital Transformation? Establishing trust through unique and secure digital experiences is the key to competing in today’s marketplace. The law firms that plan effectively for the future and are […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Automation

Legal Automation

Over the past decade, automation has dramatically changed how companies do business. The legal industry is certainly no exception, with an estimated 23 percent of a lawyer’s tasks that can be automated. This is the first in a series of articles regarding legal automation and will cover the “why, what, and how” of automating the […]

Technology Innovation in a Time of Remote Working – From Coping to Thriving

remote working

The “New Normal” of Remote Working for Courts, Law Firms, Corporate Legal Departments, and Legal Technology Providers The challenges presented by the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been unique, unprecedented, and wide-ranging, upheaving our personal and professional lives with a “new normal” that has changed the very fabric of society. Stay Home Notice (SHN), self-isolation, […]

Bizibody Celebrates 20 Years Of Providing Pioneering Legal Technology Services


Bizibody Technology celebrates two decades of providing pioneering legal technology services to Singapore’s legal community 20 years On! The Lights Are Still On! And Our Work is Far from Done! Being a pioneer is never an easy journey. And by golly, Bizibody turns 20 today (21 February 2020). On this special day, all of us […]

Bizibody through the eyes of our Temasek Polytechnic interns

Temasek Polytechnic Interns

Our interns reflect on their time with Bizibody Every year, Bizibody welcomes two interns from the Temasek Polytechnic Diploma in Law and Management final year cohort. This year was no different, but for the first time, we asked them to pen some reflections on the time we spent here. The following is what they shared… […]

Three Ways Engaging AI Can Streamline Legal Practices

Streamline Legal Practices

Applying Artificial Intelligence to Streamline the Business of Law Every year globally, millions of documents pass through the hands of lawyers to build cases for their clients and this only grows over time. According to the Future Ready Lawyer’s Survey which interviewed 700 lawyers across the US and Europe, seven out of 10 lawyers struggle […]

LegalTech Strategies for Singapore Law Firms

Singapore Law Firms

The Realities of LegalTech and Strategies for Singapore Law Firms Headline-grabbing articles like “Machines are going to replace lawyers” or “Robo-lawyers are here to take your jobs” have become du jour in the legal industry. In the midst of the buzz and hype around LegalTech, it is important for us to have an educated discourse […]

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