Tag Archives: Bizibody Technology

Practice Consult – A Support Initiative From The Law Society Of Singapore

Practice Consult

The Practice Consult Initiative “Practice Consult” is a practice management support initiative of the Law Society Of Singapore, which provides assistance and guidance to legal practitioner members on practice management issues. What Is Practice Consult? Under the Practice Consult scheme, a legal practice management consultant offers guidance and advice on practice risk management, practice management […]

The First Day of Enforced Business Suspension at Singapore Law Firms

singapore law firms work from home

Mayhem or a welcomed timeout? The first day of enforced work from home for Singapore law firms For conveyancers, the first Singapore CIRCUIT BREAKER day was a MAYHEM of non-stop activity, which started from all-nighters the evening before. Conveyancing outfits were go go go at a frantic pace because conveyancing is still a very very […]

Bizibody Celebrates 20 Years Of Providing Pioneering Legal Technology Services


Bizibody Technology celebrates two decades of providing pioneering legal technology services to Singapore’s legal community 20 years On! The Lights Are Still On! And Our Work is Far from Done! Being a pioneer is never an easy journey. And by golly, Bizibody turns 20 today (21 February 2020). On this special day, all of us […]

Code Orange: Leveraging Cloud Technology To Keep Productive. And Safe!

Singapore's Code Orange

Tackling Singapore’s Code Orange with Cloud Technology The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) has moved up its response to the coronavirus outbreak to Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange as they aggressively try to stop or limit further spread of the novel coronavirus. Organizations have been asked to step up their business continuity plans, including […]

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