Category Archives: Industry

LegalTech Strategies for Singapore Law Firms

Singapore Law Firms

The Realities of LegalTech and Strategies for Singapore Law Firms Headline-grabbing articles like “Machines are going to replace lawyers” or “Robo-lawyers are here to take your jobs” have become du jour in the legal industry. In the midst of the buzz and hype around LegalTech, it is important for us to have an educated discourse […]

Thinking Ahead for the Legal Future — Tech-celerate for Law

Tech-celerate for Law

Tech-celerate for Law program is a grant scheme to help Singapore law practices adopt technology The Tech-celerate for Law conference was held on 15 May 2019 to commemorate the launch of the Law Society’s latest legal technology initiatives, the Tech-celerate for Law program, and the SmartLaw Guild.  This article provides a summary of the conference […]

The Law Society of Singapore sets up Women in Practice task force to address inequities still present in the legal industry

Women in Practice

Women in Practice Taskforce initiated by Law Society President Gregory Vijayendran Bizibody has always been an advocate for inclusiveness and, in fact, has a number of employees (both male and female) with flexible work arrangements in order to manage family, health and other matters while continuing to work. We use technology as much as we […]

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