Category Archives: Industry

Beyond Traditional Practice Management: The Combined Power of Clio and Lupl for Next-Gen Law Firms

Beyond Traditional Practice Management: The Combined Power of Clio and Lupl for Next-Gen Law Firms

In today’s rapidly evolving legal landscape, small to medium-sized law firms in Singapore are finding it increasingly necessary to incorporate digital tools into their practices to remain competitive and meet client expectations efficiently. Two platforms stand out for their potential to transform the way these law firms operate: Clio, for practice management, and the Legal […]

LegalTech Waters Run Rough and Deep


by Serena Lim, Bizibody Technology / Litigation Edge Our Ship Has Many a Storm to Weather Today’s lawyer is expected to have many more skills than legal knowledge alone. So put your textbooks away, as there are many other competencies such as problem-solving skills, technology skills, communication skills, people skills, project management, and time management […]

Practice Consult – A Support Initiative From The Law Society Of Singapore

Practice Consult

The Practice Consult Initiative “Practice Consult” is a practice management support initiative of the Law Society Of Singapore, which provides assistance and guidance to legal practitioner members on practice management issues. What Is Practice Consult? Under the Practice Consult scheme, a legal practice management consultant offers guidance and advice on practice risk management, practice management […]

Singapore Tech-celerate For Law Is Ending On 15 January 2021

Singapore Tech-celerate for Law

Singapore Law Firms Can Receive Up To 80% Funding Support With Tech-celerate for Law Tech-celerate for Law is a support scheme for the adoption of technology solutions by Singapore Law Practices (SLPs). Launched by the Law Society of Singapore, in partnership with Ministry of Law, Enterprise Singapore and Info-Communications Media Development Authorty (IMDA), this scheme […]

Clio’s COVID-19 Impact Research Briefing


Clio’s legal practice management software used to analyze the business impact of coronavirus The coronavirus outbreak has had a very sudden and alarming impact on the world, its global economies, and the legal industry. As the pandemic fast becomes the definitive struggle of this generation—and as countless legal professionals endeavor to maintain the health of […]

Transferring Singapore Law Firms to a Cloud Computing Infrastructure

singapore law firms

The “new normal” for Singapore law firms We understand that Singapore law firms are in the midst of making major decisions about their operations. COVID-19 social distancing and business continuity mandates have created a “new normal” in legal operations and infrastructure.  In response, many firms are transferring their technology infrastructure to a cloud computing environment. […]

Wishing Everyone a Peaceful and Enjoyable Easter

Wishing Everyone a Peaceful and Enjoyable Easter

The WFH Consortium would like to wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable Easter. We will all stay at home and never forget that we did, nor why. Our Digital Tip for Easter at Home USA TV has opened up its live tv website ( to the whole world. From HBO to PBS to Oprah Winfrey […]

The First Day of Enforced Business Suspension at Singapore Law Firms

singapore law firms work from home

Mayhem or a welcomed timeout? The first day of enforced work from home for Singapore law firms For conveyancers, the first Singapore CIRCUIT BREAKER day was a MAYHEM of non-stop activity, which started from all-nighters the evening before. Conveyancing outfits were go go go at a frantic pace because conveyancing is still a very very […]

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