The Benefits of Document Automation

Document Automation

Convert Existing Documents Into Automated Forms With Document Automation

Using document workflow automation technology such as HotDocs allows you to convert the existing types of documents you use most frequently into automated forms. Whether you are a law firm, an accounting firm, bank, an insurance company, or other company that generates documents for clients, you’ll find that document workflow software significantly benefits your company by combining automation with document workflow management to provide organizations with document consistency, save them significant time, and reduce risk.

The top reasons you should integrate document workflow automation solutions into your organization include risk management, speed, and efficiency.

Risk Management

Have you ever reviewed a document three or more times and thought it was perfect, then sent it on its way only to discover that you misspelled your client’s name?

Using document automation tools, you can ensure any key issues are addressed in the template, and you have one less thing to worry about every time you create a document. You’ll be able to concentrate on the content that applies directly to the form you are drafting. Document automation software also “remembers” that you removed certain provisions for certain circumstances so that you don’t have to go through and manually delete them.


Instead of taking hours to create a contract or other document, generating documents using workflow automation software only takes a few minutes. If you need several documents based on the same set of facts or answers, you can create those documents in just minutes.

And, if you normally have the legal division of a company check the legality of certain contracts, you can avoid that step. When you are able to get contracts and documents to your clients and customers faster, you increase the agility of your business. You also spend less time creating contracts, which gives you more time to work directly with your clients and customers.

Finally, again using a law office as an example, you might have a paralegal create the first draft of a document. Then the document lands on an attorney’s desk to review and sign – and it might sit there for days. You can whittle away that time since the attorney only has to review the information that changes in the document – he or she doesn’t have to review the clauses that do not change.


When you create a document template on your computer, like a contract, you often have to go back in and add clauses, subtract clauses, or even change some clauses. Eventually, the template becomes unwieldy and you have an increased chance of mistakes.

Document workflow automation software can keep your documents neat and organized by automatically adding or removing clauses based on your client’s situation. Contracts will have only what is needed for each situation, and your documents will have far fewer mistakes.

If you need to negotiate a contract, this allows for faster negotiations since only key issues are included in the document. read more

Source: HotDocs, a technology partner of Bizibody Technology

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