Tech Demo Special: CaseRoom by Litigation Edge

CaseRoom by Litigation Edge

What is CaseRoom?

Tech Demo Special: CaseRoom by Litigation EdgeCaseRoom is a low-cost, self-help eDiscovery service for everyday cases. It enables the realisation of better insights and maximum efficiency in evidence review and management of smaller or lower value cases. With CaseRoom, you can expect to:

  • Harness the benefits of evidence in original native format
  • Have access to the documents anytime and anywhere
  • Enjoy huge cost savings through productivity gains
  • Enhance ability to predict case budgets
  • Augment human lawyering capabilities to: zoom in on highly relevant documents and identify smoking guns – zoom in on highly relevant documents – use data analytics to plan and execute evidence review strategies – undertake more cases and high-value work with higher efficiency
  • Reduce attrition rates from associate burnout

What is the problem CaseRoom is trying to solve?

Litigation lawyers who seek greater efficiency in their evidence management and review process often find solutions that are not cost-effective across the type of cases they take on. The pricing model of most Discovery platforms target high value, high volume cases, placing it out of reach for small volume, lower value cases. [read more]

About FLIP

The Future Law Innovation Programme (FLIP) is an industry-wide initiative to drive innovation and encourage the adoption and invention of new technology amongst law firms, legal departments, and legal tech startups, to create a vibrant legal technology ecosystem in Singapore.

Source: FLIP

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