eLitigation Evidence Management Demo at Future Law Innovation Programme

Future Law Innovation Programme

eLitigation Evidence Management Demo at Future Law Innovation ProgrammeBizibody founder and managing director, Serena Lim, will be presenting a lunchtime Future Law Innovation Programme (FLIP) tech demo at Collision 8 on Friday, 20 July 2018. She will be showcasing CaseRoom, a  product of Litigation Edge Pte Ltd, and demonstrating how this tool can provide cost and strategic benefits to the litigator, even for smaller cases, with fewer than 500 documents.

Litigation Edge will be offering attendees 2 months’ complimentary subscription and hosting for this service.

About FLIP

The Future Law Innovation Programme (FLIP) is an industry-wide initiative to drive innovation and encourage the adoption and invention of new technology amongst law firms, legal departments and legal tech startups, to create a vibrant legal technology ecosystem in Singapore. FLIP brings together stakeholders from business, government and academia to collaborate on developing new models for the delivery of legal services in the future economy.


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