Tag Archives: HotDocs

Making the Move to Paperless Document Management

Paperless Document Management

Leveraging paperless document management within legal practice management The law increasingly moves in digital flows: scanned engagement letters and contracts, legal briefs, pleadings, estate documents and wills, spreadsheets, images. Federal courts have embraced document management best practices and been paperless for years, and state courts are converting to electronic filing and paperless case files. So […]

The Benefits of Document Automation

Document Automation

Convert Existing Documents Into Automated Forms With Document Automation Using document workflow automation technology such as HotDocs allows you to convert the existing types of documents you use most frequently into automated forms. Whether you are a law firm, an accounting firm, bank, an insurance company, or other company that generates documents for clients, you’ll […]

Singapore Tech-celerate For Law Is Ending On 15 January 2021

Singapore Tech-celerate for Law

Singapore Law Firms Can Receive Up To 80% Funding Support With Tech-celerate for Law Tech-celerate for Law is a support scheme for the adoption of technology solutions by Singapore Law Practices (SLPs). Launched by the Law Society of Singapore, in partnership with Ministry of Law, Enterprise Singapore and Info-Communications Media Development Authorty (IMDA), this scheme […]

Code Orange: Leveraging Cloud Technology To Keep Productive. And Safe!

Singapore's Code Orange

Tackling Singapore’s Code Orange with Cloud Technology The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) has moved up its response to the coronavirus outbreak to Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) Orange as they aggressively try to stop or limit further spread of the novel coronavirus. Organizations have been asked to step up their business continuity plans, including […]

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