Category Archives: Singapore

LegalTech Waters Run Rough and Deep


by Serena Lim, Bizibody Technology / Litigation Edge Our Ship Has Many a Storm to Weather Today’s lawyer is expected to have many more skills than legal knowledge alone. So put your textbooks away, as there are many other competencies such as problem-solving skills, technology skills, communication skills, people skills, project management, and time management […]

Practice Consult – A Support Initiative From The Law Society Of Singapore

Practice Consult

The Practice Consult Initiative “Practice Consult” is a practice management support initiative of the Law Society Of Singapore, which provides assistance and guidance to legal practitioner members on practice management issues. What Is Practice Consult? Under the Practice Consult scheme, a legal practice management consultant offers guidance and advice on practice risk management, practice management […]

Singapore Allows E-Documents for Cross-Border Trade

Cross-Border Trade

Cross-Border Trade Paperwork To Be Reduced By E-Documents Singapore’s parliament passed the Electronic Transactions Amendment Bill this Monday 1 February 2021. Under the Bill, Singapore will allow cross-border trade documents to be digitised as long as they meet certain requirements. It is hoped that this will reduce paperwork and costs for cross-border trade. Bizibody’s Clio […]

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