Tag Archives: legal services

A Beginner’s Guide to Legal Automation

Legal Automation

Over the past decade, automation has dramatically changed how companies do business. The legal industry is certainly no exception, with an estimated 23 percent of a lawyer’s tasks that can be automated. This is the first in a series of articles regarding legal automation and will cover the “why, what, and how” of automating the […]

Clio Singapore User Community Newsletter Q4 2020


The Clio User Community in Singapore has grown significantly in the last few months 2020 has tested each of us in ways that were previously unimaginable, both as leaders as well as human beings. However, as so wisely stated by Sir Winston Churchill: “Never let a good crisis go to waste!” We hope that you […]

Bizibody Celebrates 20 Years Of Providing Pioneering Legal Technology Services


Bizibody Technology celebrates two decades of providing pioneering legal technology services to Singapore’s legal community 20 years On! The Lights Are Still On! And Our Work is Far from Done! Being a pioneer is never an easy journey. And by golly, Bizibody turns 20 today (21 February 2020). On this special day, all of us […]

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